Between September 1st and 16th of this year 2014, our Commercial Manager Mr. Marcelo Mejìas F., ach....
Read more...It is located in the region of Rio Bueno, just meters from the main route that connects the country.....
Read more...This field is located near the locality of Bulnes, to 25 km south west of Chillan. This field has a ....
Read more...Located in the locality of El Carmen, to the southeast of Chillan. This field has a total area of 39....
Read more...Located near the locality of Paillaco, to the southeast of Valdivia, XIV region. This field has a to....
Read more...Located in the locality of Rio Bueno, behind La Union Cold Storage Plant. This field has a total are....
Read more...Only Fruit SA, with the idea of expanding its operations in the country, and also increasing the sup....
Read more...In the middle of this year, Only Fruit decides to manage the purchase of a field of apple trees, loc....
Read more...Next September, our company will send a delegation which will reinforce some markets in Europe and m....
Read more...Only Fruit S.A. hires from June 2013 to Mr. Herman Montaña Pedemonte, who had worked for more th....